ESX “Dead Brain” has some symptoms

I found the ESX “Dead Brain” has some symptoms and it’s very insteresting

1. CPU utilization is heavy loading in vix-async-pipe
 a. Reference VMware KB: 1030894 ---- not work 
 b. Reference VMware KB: 1003490 ---- not work 

2. Load average is up than 20 , you can using “top” to check esx hypervisor loading.

3. Some zombie process and can’t kill it
 a. ps aux |awk ‘{ print $8 “ “$2 }’ |grep –w Z ---- show zombie process ID
 b. kill -9 xxxxx ---- not work 

Finally, I found this VMware KB: 1005566 and it works for me.

Link :

I think “Dead Brain” is cause by process dead lock (in this case  vmware-hostd)



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