

Migrate VMware Horizon View Persona profile from Windows 7 to Windows 10

migprofile.exe /s:\\file02\share\profiles\*.v2 /v2tov6 /takeownership

VMware Instant Clone Push Image Flow

Just make a note for remind how to Push Instant Clone VM Update master image take snapshot Logon Horizon View Administrator portal Go to Instant Clone pool \Summary\ Push image Select snapshot you want push Below are automatically Clone a template VM from master image Power on tempalte VM Power off template VM Create a snapshot on template Clone tempate VM to Replicate VM vCenter check digest Replicate VM create snapshot Delete Old VDI VM Deploy new parent VM on each host Depliy new VDI VM Power off old parent VM Delete old parent VM

Windows 7 SP1 + Instant Clone

If your deploy Windows 7 SP1 + VMware Instant clone, you have to install microsoft hotfix to avoid deploy failed.   https://support.microsoft.com/kb/2550978

You Cannot Use open-vm-tools to Customize VMs

When you deploy VMs install open-vm-tools, you can not use customize to deploy VM, you need to install  open-vm-tools-deploypk fisrt. Please refer the KB:  http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2075048

實作Horizon View for Linux VDI

千呼萬喚的Linux VDI終於在6/4/2015 release了,這幾天下來實測後做些整理,希望可以幫到有需要的IT同伴. 環境介紹 vSphere platform : 6.0 Powershell 6.x 並安裝在vCenter上 Horizon environment : 6.1.1 Horizon Client : 3.4 (Windows/Mac OS X) Windows AD : 2008 R2 DNS解析須可以解析View broker 位置 Linux OS for VDI CentOS 6.6 x64 with jre-7u79 RHEL6.6 x64 with jre-7u79 ubuntu 12.04 with jre-7u80 RHEL5.8 x64安裝設定皆正常,但無法連線 有搭配過jre7u75, jre7u76,jreu79 Protocol 並非PCoIP,也不是RDP,是 Blast ( port 5443 必須要跟security srv或是connection srv 之間的防火牆開通) View Agent 與Connection Srv 須開通4001:4002:LDAP Linux VDI 與vCenter 要開通 SSH:22,在透過powershell deploy view agent時會用到 Horizon 6 for Linux VDI的功能 不支援HTML Access 不支援Client裝置(USB,Printer, Copy/Paste)對應的Linux VDI 不支援Single Sign-On - 連線上Linux VDI後須再輸入Linux 的帳號密碼 支援單向Audio (Linux VDI to Client) 支援兩個螢幕以上 - 需要在虛擬顯示卡上作相對應的設定,一般我會建議雙螢幕+32MB 記憶體 KDE桌面沒有經過View Agent 認證,所以不建議使用 Bug 當在全螢幕輸入完帳號密碼登入桌面後,畫面會並不會AutoFit, 需要手動將畫面縮小或是放大使其重新AutoFit. 實作流程 創建guest customization specification, 名稱為linuxagent ...

Upgrade VMware Hroizon View 6.0.1 Composer to 6.1

Pre-note *If you had upgrade vCetner, please reboot vCenter before installation. 1. Run Horizon View Composer installation wizard and click "Next" 2. Accept license agreement and click "Next" 3. System will detect previous installation path, make sure it is correct and click "Next" 4. Verify Composer ODBC DSN is correct and enter username and password for this database connection. 5. Verify Composer SOAP port is 18443 (if you have change it before,please change it to your customize port else leave it to default), another hand is about certificate, by default it will create default SSL certificate, in my case - I change it to "Use an existing SSL certificate" 6. Ready to install the program, if everything is fine, click "Install" 7. Click "Finish" to close Installation windows ...

Generate View 5.1 Certificates

This is the English version of my previous post as it may help many many people  So what you need is : 1 -A CA Server, in my case I installed the following role on a Windows 2008 R2 AD controler : Certification Authority Certification Authority Web Enrollment 2 – OpenSSL to create certificates, personal I mounted a Windows 2003 R2 32-bit using  Win32 OpenSSL 1.0.1c  (some have had problems with Win64 OpenSSL). Once everything are ready  : 1 – We generate the private key and the .csr file: (a council type the following command : SET OPENSSL_CONF=C:\OpenSSL-Win32\bin\openssl.cfg) # openssl.exe req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout .key -nodes -days 3650 -out .csr Like  : Note: I don’t set anything for « Challenge password » or for « An optional company name » and be careful to put the  fqdn  of View Connection Server to the « Common Name » 2 -After editing the file .csr and makes a « copy » o...