

How to build PrivacyIdea HA with MySQL with master and master replication

1. Install PrivacyIdea on 1st Privacyidea Refer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzQPA3fQuYQ Add repository on Ubuntu #add-apt-repository ppa:privacyidea/privacyidea Update apt #apt-get update Check apt cache has privacyidea # apt-cache search privacyidea Install 2FA system. This is a meta package to install privacyidea with apache2 + MySql #apt-get install privacyidea-apache2 Create admin account and set password #pi-manage admin add admin admin@localhost Install 2FA FreeRadius  # apt-get install privacyidea-radius Install 2FA everything # apt-get install privacyidea-all 2. Install PrivacyIdea on 2nd Privacyidea  3. Setup Mysql master to master replication Refer: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-mysql-master-master-replication ********************************************* Primary my.cnf bind-address            = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx server-id            ...

You Cannot Use open-vm-tools to Customize VMs

When you deploy VMs install open-vm-tools, you can not use customize to deploy VM, you need to install  open-vm-tools-deploypk fisrt. Please refer the KB:  http://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2075048

Ubuntu 14.04 install on HP DL360 Gen9 with HP insight management agent

Subscribe Deb-based systems to the mcp repository Cut-n-paste the following section (substituting ditribution, architecture and project version) into  /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mcp.list  on your system: # HP Management Component Pack deb http://downloads.linux.hp.com/SDR/repo/mcp  dist / project_ver  non-free Where: dist trusty, precise, squeeze, wheezy project_ver current, 9.50, 9.40, 9.25, 9.10 Update the local apt indexes # apt-get update Search for a specific package # apt-cache search  #  browse debs Install a specific package # apt-get install Management Component Pack The Linux Management Component Pack provides agent software for use on community-supported distributions. For RedHat and SUSE distributions, please use the  Service Pack for ProLiant  ( SPP ). The MCP (unlike the SPP) does  not  provide drivers and firmware (firmware is provided via  HPSUM , and drivers...

實作Horizon View for Linux VDI

千呼萬喚的Linux VDI終於在6/4/2015 release了,這幾天下來實測後做些整理,希望可以幫到有需要的IT同伴. 環境介紹 vSphere platform : 6.0 Powershell 6.x 並安裝在vCenter上 Horizon environment : 6.1.1 Horizon Client : 3.4 (Windows/Mac OS X) Windows AD : 2008 R2 DNS解析須可以解析View broker 位置 Linux OS for VDI CentOS 6.6 x64 with jre-7u79 RHEL6.6 x64 with jre-7u79 ubuntu 12.04 with jre-7u80 RHEL5.8 x64安裝設定皆正常,但無法連線 有搭配過jre7u75, jre7u76,jreu79 Protocol 並非PCoIP,也不是RDP,是 Blast ( port 5443 必須要跟security srv或是connection srv 之間的防火牆開通) View Agent 與Connection Srv 須開通4001:4002:LDAP Linux VDI 與vCenter 要開通 SSH:22,在透過powershell deploy view agent時會用到 Horizon 6 for Linux VDI的功能 不支援HTML Access 不支援Client裝置(USB,Printer, Copy/Paste)對應的Linux VDI 不支援Single Sign-On - 連線上Linux VDI後須再輸入Linux 的帳號密碼 支援單向Audio (Linux VDI to Client) 支援兩個螢幕以上 - 需要在虛擬顯示卡上作相對應的設定,一般我會建議雙螢幕+32MB 記憶體 KDE桌面沒有經過View Agent 認證,所以不建議使用 Bug 當在全螢幕輸入完帳號密碼登入桌面後,畫面會並不會AutoFit, 需要手動將畫面縮小或是放大使其重新AutoFit. 實作流程 創建guest customization specification, 名稱為linuxagent ...

How to install open VM tools on Ubuntu 14.04

VMware KB https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/2075048 To obtain and import the VMware Packaging Public Keys:   Create a directory on the virtual machine to store the VMware Packaging Public Keys. Download all the VMware Public Packaging Public Key files from the https://packages.vmware.com/tools/keys directory. Save the files to the directory you created. For each key that you download, run this command to import the key: $ sudo apt-key add / key_path / key_name Where key_path is the directory in which you saved the keys and key_name is the file name of a key. Create the file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/vmware-tools.list with this content: deb https://packages.vmware.com/packages/ubuntu precise main   To install the package, run this command: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools-deploypkg