
目前顯示的是 2017的文章


HP SMART ARRAY CLI COMMANDS ON ESXI Show configuration /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl all show config Controller status /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl all show status Show detailed controller information for all controllers /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl all show detail Show detailed controller information for controller in slot 0 /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=0 show detail Rescan for New Devices /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli rescan Physical disk status /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=0 pd all show status Show detailed physical disk information /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=0 pd all show detail Logical disk status /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=0 ld all show status View Detailed Logical Drive Status /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=0 ld 2 show Create New RAID 0 Logical Drive /opt/hp/hpssacli/bin/hpssacli ctrl slot=0 create type=ld drives=1I:1:2 raid=0 Create New RAID 1 Logical Drive /opt/hp/hp...

NetApp C-mode check node system statistic

1. Logon cluster IP 2. #set diag 3. #node run -node nodename sysstat -M 1

NetApp Harvest + NetApp 7-Mode

Here is configuration need to apply on 7-mode. useradmin role add role-harvest -c "Role for performance monitoring by NetApp Harvest" -a login-http-admin,api-system-get-version,api-system-get-info,api-perf-object-*,api-ems-autosupport-log useradmin group add group-harvest -c "Group for performance monitoring by NetApp Harvest" -r role-harvest useradmin user add netapp-harvest -c "User account for performance monitoring by NetApp Harvest" -n "NetApp Harvest" -g group-harvest options tls.enable=on

Event Log Query value is '%%1537'

Append Red high light in end <QueryList> <Query Id="0" Path="Security"> <Select Path="Security">*[System[(EventID=4663)]]and *[EventData[Data[@Name='AccessList'] and (Data='%%1537 &#xD;&#xA;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09;&#x09; ')]]and *[EventData[Data[@Name='AccessMask'] and (Data='0x10000')]] </Select> </Query> </QueryList>

Linux Xterm color change

xterm -fn 8x13 -bg black -fg green -geo 150x50 -sl 3000 &