DFS 回應緩慢....
微軟KB ( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/244380/en-us) By default, a Microsoft Distributed File System Namespace (DFSN) root referral reply to a DFS root referral query is in NetBIOS name format (\\< Server >\< Share >). This is necessary in certain environments that rely on NetBIOS and makes it possible for clients that support NetBIOS-only name resolution to locate and connect to targets in the DFS namespace. By default, Windows clients work fine with this. However, some clients do not use NetBIOS. Two examples are clients that are not running Windows and clients that operate in an environment without WINS or that use DNS name suffixes. Those clients are incompatible with the default DFSN behavior. In these cases, the client may be unable to resolve the server name that is returned from the root referral query. However, this problem can be addressed easily, because DFSN can be configured to operate in a DNS-only environment. This article describes how to configu...