
目前顯示的是 2010的文章

Can not RDP with Event 1219

Event Type: Error Event Source: Winlogon Event Category: None Event ID: 1219 Date: 8/13/2007 Time: 12:07:11 PM User: N/A Computer: CITRIXNET Description: Logon rejected for LIP\administrator. Unable to obtain Terminal Server User Configuration. Error: The RPC server is unavailable. Workground: changes made to the registry Registry update for 2003 Server: 1.) Open up regedit on the server (Start-Run-Regedit) 2.) Follow this string: HLM\System\CCS\Control\Terminal Server 3.) Go to Edit/New Dword 4.) Name the new Dword the following: IgnoreRegUserConfigErrors 5.) Right click on IgnoreRegUserConfigErrors and choose modify 6.) Make the value data=1 Root cause: check domain controller is availabe....

Install vSphere 4.1 Update Management display "ODBC 32bit"

Install the ODBC drivers. For Microsoft SQL Server database servers, install the 64-bit database ODBC drivers on your Microsoft Windows system. When you install the 64-bit drivers, the 32-bit drivers are installed automatically. For Oracle database servers, install the 32-bit database ODBC drivers on your Microsoft Windows system. Run the 32-bit ODBC Administrator application, located at [WindowsDir]\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe. Use the application to create your DSN. You will now have a DSN that is compatible with the Update Manager server. When the Update Manager installer prompts you for a DSN, you should select the 32-bit DSN. Note: The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express database package is installed and configured when you select Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express as your database during the VMware vCenter Update Manager installation or upgrade. No additional configuration is required.

Align Windows disk in ESX

=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2010.12.20 17:31:25 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= vmware.log Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86.vmsd Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86-flat.vmdk Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86.vmx Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86.nvram Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86.vmxf Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86.vmdk [root@abvms01 Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86]# cat Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86.vmdk # Disk DescriptorFile version=1 encoding="UTF-8" CID=c36505a9 parentCID=ffffffff isNativeSnapshot="no" createType="vmfs" # Extent description RW 41943040 VMFS "Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86-flat.vmdk" # The Disk Data Base #DDB ddb.adapterType = "lsilogic" ddb.geometry.sectors = "63" ddb.geometry.heads = "255" ddb.geometry.cylinders = " 2610 " ddb.uuid = "60 00 C2 99 26 78 cc 6b-e3 18 d4 1d 61 a4 1d dd" ddb.longContentID = "7f28e4e9ec06d578dbe8508cc36505a9" ddb.virtualHWVersion = "7" [root@labvms01 Win2k3_R2_SP2_Ent_x86]# fdisk Win2k3_R...

XP SCSI card in View 4.5 with composer

Go to www.lsi.com/support and download the LSI driver for LSI20320-R. Make sure you get the Windows Hardware Quality Labs (WHQL) driver for Windows XP (LSI20320-R_xp_50700_01034132IT_1201800_1005239.zip ).

VMware Sysprep file locations and versions

VMware KB: 1005593

Setting the Properties to Support RemoteSigning

For security reasons, Windows PowerShell 1.0 supports an execution policy feature. It determines whether scripts are allowed to run and whether they must be digitally signed. By default, the execution policy is set to Restricted, which is the most secure policy. If you want to run scripts or load configuration files, you can change the execution policy by using the Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet. To do this, in the vSphere PowerCLI console window, type the following: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Suse Version check & service restart

www:/etc # cat SuSE-release SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 (i586) VERSION = 9 Task: Restart Network Service # /etc/init.d/network restart # /etc/init.d/network restart eth0

VMware iSCSI enable Jumbo Frames & multi-path

Assuming your starting off with a brand new install you most likely have only one vSwitch configured. We’re going to create a second vSwitch to use for our iSCSI nics --------------------------------------------- esxcfg-vswitch -a vSwitch1 esxcfg-vswitch -l --------------------------------------------- The last command lists all the current switches created. You should vSwitch1 has nothing configure at this point. Before we go any further we need to set the MTU of the switch to 9000 to allow us to use jumbo frames --------------------------------------------- esxcfg-vswitch -m 9000 vSwitch1 --------------------------------------------- Next up we need to create two vmKernel ports which we’ll later bind to our two dedicated nics. This is a two part process, first you create port groups (-A) for the switch and then you add an interface to each port group with a unique ip address within you iSCSI subnet. You’ll also notice we set the MTU of each interface to 9000 (-m) -----...

Show %computername% instead off “my computer” on the desktop

Locate the key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D} Rename the value named “LocalizedString” to “LocalizedString.old”. Create a new REG_EXPAND_SZ value named “LocalizedString”, and set the value to “%USERNAME% or %COMPUTERNAME%”. Exit the registry editor, click on your desktop and press F5 (for refresh). The “My Computer” icon should now be rename to “Username on Computername”. On Windows 2008 you do not have enough permissions to change the key. Take ownership of the key and you can change it.

Cannot open Microsoft Sites

Open the register editor and navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\ Add the following DWORD: MTU and set the Decimal setting to 1492. After a restart the machine can reach Microsoft websites

設定 Linux Time Zone

設定 Linux Time Zone    #ls -F /usr/share/zoneinfo/    #cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime or #ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Taipei /etc/localtime #vi /etc/sysconfig/clock # 修改 clock 為台灣時間 ZONE="Asia/Taipei" #date ; hwclock -r # 查看系統時間是否跟 BIOS 時相等 #hwclock -w # 將系統時間寫入到 BIOS 時間 如果嫌麻煩,可以用 tzconfig 這個指令, 校正完畢之後使用 date 指令檢查是否正確。 如果現在台灣時間是下午 4 點 59 分,則系統應顯示: Sun May 24 16:59:59 CST 2010 CST(Central Standard Time) 代表當地標準時間,正確來說,在台灣的 CST 時間就是 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) 時間再加上 8 小時。另外 UTC(Coordinated Universal Time) 時區和 GMT 時區相同,只是 UTC 是美國算出來的時間。

Network Card Bonding On CentOS

Bonding is the same as port trunking. In the following I will use the word bonding because practically we will bond interfaces as one. Bonding allows you to aggregate multiple ports into a single group, effectively combining the bandwidth into a single connection. Bonding also allows you to create multi-gigabit pipes to transport traffic through the highest traffic areas of your network. For example, you can aggregate three megabits ports into a three-megabits trunk port. That is equivalent with having one interface with three megabytes speed. Where should I use bonding? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can use it wherever you need redundant links, fault tolerance or load balancing networks. It is the best way to have a high availability network segment. A very useful way to use bonding is to use it in connection with 802.1q VLAN support (your network equipment must have 802.1q protocol implemented). ...

Rescan the SCSI Bus to Add a SCSI Device Without rebooting the VM

Rescan the SCSI Bus to Add a SCSI Device Without rebooting the VM A rescan can be issued by typing the following command: echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/ host# /scan fdisk -l tail -f /var/log/message Replace host# with actual value such as host0. You can find scsi_host value using the following command: # ls /sys/class/scsi_host Output: host0 Now type the following to send a rescan request: echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/ host0 /scan fdisk -l tail -f /var/log/message Sample Outputs: Jul 18 16:29:39 localhost kernel: Vendor: VMware, Model: VMware Virtual S Rev: 1.0 Jul 18 16:29:39 localhost kernel: Type: Direct-Access ANSI SCSI revision: 02 Jul 18 16:29:39 localhost kernel: target0:0:1: Beginning Domain Validation Jul 18 16:29:39 localhost kernel: target0:0:1: Domain Validation skipping write tests Jul 18 16:29:39 localhost kernel: target0:0:1: Ending Domain Validation Jul 18 16:29:39 localhost kernel: target0:0:1: FAST-40 WID...

升級vSphere ESX 4.0 to 4.1步驟與方式 (方法三)

方法三,使用vihostupdate A. vihostupdate工具內含在Vmware vShpere CLI和Vmware Manager Appliance(VMA) B. Vmware vShpere CLI請到Vmware官網下載 C. 開啟VI Client,選擇FilesàDeploy OWF Template->Deploy from file ->瀏覽選擇預先下載好的vMA- D. 將VMA部署到ESX上。 E. 到Vmware官網下載 “pre-upgrade-from-ESX4.0-to-4.1.0-0.0.260247-release.zip” “upgrade-from-ESX4.0-to-4.1.0-0.0.260247-release.zip” 以及Drivers&ToolsàAutomation Tools and SDKs中的Vmware vShpere CLI F. 將Vmware vShpere CLI安裝在vCenter上 G. 升級前請將運作在該ESX上的所有虛擬機器關閉,並將ESX切換到維護模式。 H. 於Vcenter中開啟Dos視窗,切換到program files\Vmware vShpere CLI , 並執行vihostupdate.pl I.   vihostupdate.pl --server x.x.x.x --install --bundle C:\~~\pre-upgradexxx.zip J. vihostupdate.pl --server x.x.x.x --install --bundle C:\~~\upgradexxx.zip K. 升級完畢後,執行     vihostupdate.pl --server x.x.x.x –query L. 重新啟動ESX host     vihostupdate.pl --server x.x.x.x --o reboot

升級vSphere ESX 4.0 to 4.1步驟與方式 (方法二)

方法二,使用esxupdate A. 首先使用VI Client,瀏覽欲升級的ESX Host之datastore,上傳預先下載好的upgrade bundle. For ESX 4.0 ,必須上傳以下兩個檔案 : “pre-upgrade-from-ESX4.0-to-4.1.0-0.0.260247-release.zip” “upgrade-from-ESX4.0-to-4.1.0-0.0.260247-release.zip” B. 一旦上傳完畢,登入ESX Host Console,使用 #vmware –v檢查現行版本。 C. 切換到剛剛上傳的目錄中檢查該兩個檔案是否存在。 D. 將ESX切換到maintenance mode,     vimsh -n -e /hostsvc/maintenance_mode_enter E. 開始進行upgrade,先執行pre-upgrade檔案     esxupdate –bundle= update F. 再執行升級主檔     esxupdate –bundle= update G. 離開維護模式

升級vSphere ESX 4.0 to 4.1步驟與方式 (方法一)

方法一 ,使用Vmware Update manager A. 確認ESX Server現在版本,使用#vmware –v B. 到Virtual Center中,選擇該ESX Host,點選Update manager->Admin view->瀏覽並選擇預先下載好的upgrade bundle,然後upload到ESX DataStore中存放。 For ESX 3.5 – “esx-DVD-4.1.0-260247.iso” For ESX 4.0 – “upgrade-from-ESX4.0-to4.1.0-0.0.260247-release.zip” C. 接下來建立upgrade baseline->選擇create baseline->baseline type請選擇host upgrade->下一步選擇剛剛已經上傳好的datastore中的upgrade iso檔。->選擇Try to reboot the host and roll back the upgrade in case of failure. ->Finish. D. 建立好後,點選該baseline,再選擇右上角的Compliance view , 選擇Attatch ,勾選Upgrade Baseline下剛剛建立的那個baseline,再按下Attach。 E. 點選右下角的Remediate,review相關設定後開始進行升級。 F. 可以到ESX Console 觀察upgrade progress.

vSphere 設定MPIO

esxcli nmp device list awk '/^naa.60a/{print "esxcli nmp device setpolicy --device "$0" --psp VMW_PSP_RR" };' esxcli --server esx2td nmp roundrobin getconfig -d naa.60a98000486e2f2d576f4d777946454b for i in `ls /vmfs/devices/disks/ grep naa.60a` ; do esxcli --server esx2dt nmp roundrobin setconfig --type "iops" --iops=1 --device $i; done

VMware ESX, killing a virtual machine that won’t die.

Sometimes the Virtual Center won’t do the job. You virtual machine has hung and you need to kill it. Here are 2 examples of how you can kill the vm from within the service console: 1. The ‘VMWARE-CMD’ command Log on to the service console and issue the following command ‘vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/ / / .vmx stop’ you must not use the friendly datastore name. If you need to know the location of all vm’s type ‘VMWARE-CMD -l’ that will list on vm’s and the location for the corresponding vmx file. If that fails, then try it with the hard option, ‘ vmware-cmd /vmfs/volumes/ / / .vmx stop hard ’ this command will just try and kill it without shutting it down. 2. Kill it using the PID command Run the following command: ps auxfww | grep to locate the correct PID of the virtual machine, the first number to appear in the output is your vm’s PID. Use the PID number to terminate the process by issuing kill -9

ESX3.5 over 64GB physical memory !!! system ram usage is high than history

Q:When ESX 3.5 memory over 64GB, system ram usage is high !! A: please check VMkernel setting Advanceed settings\VMkernel\ VMkernel.Boot.force.36BitMTRRMask. just uncheck it. than reboot esx server

Using the kill command by first finding the process identifier (PID) of the VM and then using the kill command.

1. Log in to the ESX service console. 2. The process status (ps) command in Linux shows the currently running processes on a server and the grep command finds the specified text in the output of the ps command. Type ps auxfww grep to get the process ID (PID) of the VM. You will have two entries returned, one is from the running of the ps command. The longer entry is the running VM process. The longer entry will end in the config file name of the VM and is the one you want to use; the number in the second column of that entry is the PID of the VM. 3.The kill command in Linux sends a signal to terminate a process using its ID number. The ‘-9′ parameter forces the process to quit immediately and cannot be ignored like the more graceful ‘-15′ parameter can sometimes be. Type kill -9 which will forcibly terminate the process for the specified VM. 4.You can check the state using the vmware-cmd command to see if it worked; if it did, the state should now be off.

ESX上的guest power on 後連BIOS都看不到的處理方法

Can not boot guest via ESX (vCPU is high, no display BIOS) 1. remove old disk ,then boot it to verify boot normailly or not . 2. new one HDD ad master ,add old HDD as secondary HDD. 3. boot from CD (EXP) 4. clone disk via Acronis 5. Reboot 6. verify system. 7. remove old disk 8. go-live


需安裝下列模組 scim-libs-1.4.4-39.el5 scim-tables-0.5.6-7 scim-pinyin-0.5.91-15.el5 scim-1.4.4-39.el5 scim-tables-chinese-0.5.6-7


Linux LVM的指令 一、建立LVM Filesystem(50MB PV → 50MB VG → 30MB LV → /lvmdata ) 1. # fdisk /dev/hda ← 分割 /dev/hda 2. create a new 50MB (8e) partition ← 建立partition 3. # partprobe ← 不用重新開機,立即生效partition 4. # pvcreate /dev/hdaX ← 將 /dev/hdaX 轉成 PV 5. # vgcreate rootvg /dev/hdaX [ /dev/hdaX /dev/hdaX.......] ← 建立 VG,名稱為 rootvg 6. # lvcreate -L 30M -n lv01 rootvg ← 在 rootvg(VG)建立 LV,容量為 30MB,名稱為 lv01 7. # mke2fs -j /dev/rootvg/lv01 ← 格式化為 EXT3 8. # mkdir /lvmdata ← 建立目錄 9. # mount /dev/rootvg/lv01 /lvmdata ← 將 lv01 掛載到 /lvmdata 二、擴大 /lvmdata 空間(30MB → 40MB) 1. # df -h ← 檢查 /lvmdata 目前空間為 30MB 2. # lvextend -L +10M /dev/rootvg/lv01 ← 將 lv01 擴大 10MB 空間 3. # df -h ← 檢查 /lvmdata 還是 30MB 4. # ext2online /dev/rootvg/lv01 ← 將 lv01 空間立即生效 5. # df -h ← 空間已增加至 40MB 三、將 rootvg 虛擬 HD 由 50MB → 100M 想法:再新增一個 PV,將此 PV 加入 rootvg,擴大 rootvg 容量 1. # fdisk /dev/hda ← 重新分割一個硬碟或partition 2. create a new 50MB (8e) partition ← 建立partition 3. # pvcreate /dev/hdaX ← 將 /dev/hdaX 轉成 PV 4. # vgexten...