1. install openssl on Linux apt-gete update apt-get install openssl 2. openssl -genrsa -out aaa.com.key 2048 3. openssl req -new -sha256 -key aaa.com.key out aaa.com.csr Country Name: State: Org: OU: Common Name: Email Address: 4. make sure there are 2 files under the folder - aaa.com.key & aaa.com.csr 5. cat aaa.com.csr the copy red square part 6. paste it to Enterprise CA web portal (https://aaa/certsrv/en-us) 7. choice as web server certificate 8. download aaa.cer and aaa.p7b 9. upload both file to Linux 10. openssl x509 -inform der -in aaa.cer -out aaa.pem 11. modify config file under /etc/apache2/site-available
1. Mount iso file on VCSA , iso file should download from VMware https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/patch 2. Logon VCSA who with Administrator role. 3. run "software-packages install --iso"
Linux RD VDI machine, the scaling issue is fixed. svga.vramSize = "268435456" svga.autodetect="false" modify svga.maxHeight="2048" to svga.maxHeight="3200" and keep svga.maxWidth="10240" after that, I also add keyboard.typematicMinDelay = "2000000"